Fireant Creative

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

New rights for ‘Data Subjects’

Under the GDPR 2018, anyone who has data held by an organisation is a ‘data subject,’ and will have more rights regarding how their data is held, used and disposed of.

Fireant Creative are updating our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy to comply with the GDPR and the new rights listed below.

  • The right to be informed – Data subjects must be told what personal data is being held, what it is being used for and why.
  • The right of access – Data subjects are allowed to see what data of theirs is being processed upon request.  The need for care and professionalism in all record keeping whether digital or manual is vital as the subject could ask to see everything that is being held on them at any time.
  • The right of rectification – If personal data held by organisations is incorrect; they have an obligation to change it.
  • The right to erasure – Data subjects can demand that personal data held about them is erased where there is no compelling reason for its continued processing.
  • The right to data portability – At the data subject’s request their data must be moved to another processor.
  • The right to object – If a data subject does not like the way their data is being used they can request that the use is stopped, and that must happen unless there is an overriding legitimate reason to continue using it.
  • Rights in relation to automated decision-making or profiling – Data subjects can demand that a human review any decision made by software alone.

Fireant Creative Ltd – Privacy Policy

This privacy policy is for Fireant Creative Ltd (‘our’, ‘we’, ‘us’) registered company number 08506033 with registered address 2-4 Park St, Bristol, BS1 5HX.

In compliance with UK and European data protection regulations, this privacy policy explains what personal information we collect from you when you visit our website or are a recipient of our services.

Fireant Creative Ltd is committed to processing personal information about its customers in ways that comply with its legal and regulatory obligations, and to being clear with customers about what it does with their personal information.

We respect and value the privacy of everyone who enquires or purchases our services and will only collect and use information in ways that are useful to you and in a manner consistent with your rights and our obligations under the law.

What is this Privacy Policy for?

The policy sets out how we use personal data.

Fireant Creative will not share your data with any other third party. We will, from time to time, contact you about our service and any changes or additions to your e-learning courses.

Data collection

Fireant Creative may collect personal information which we receive when you:

  • use our website
  • sign up for a Meetup event
  • sign up for a learning management system
  • access a free trial of a ReactLS system
  • contact us or
  • purchase or are a recipient of our services.

We may collect the following types of information:

  • your name, address, email address, telephone number(s) and other contact details
  • information required to provide you with a service, and details of our services that you have used
  • your company’s name, your position in the company; the company’s address, company’s email address and telephone number
  • your payment information such as credit or debit card details and bank account details.

Appropriate firewall technology is used within to prevent unauthorised access. All personal data is backed up daily, and archives are stored off-site in a secure location.

We are committed to keeping your information up to date as far as is reasonably possible. However, if you believe that we have made an error, then please contact us as we have outlined below and we will use reasonable endeavours to correct.

How do we use your data?

As a customer

The customer organisation data (organisation name, address, URL and key business and contact information) will be stored securely on Fireant Creative’s Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system for the purpose of managing the relationship and service, ensuring satisfaction and awareness of products and developments.

The organisation’s individual learner data (first/last name and email) will be stored on Fireant Creative’s Learner Management System (LMS) to enable learners to access the online learning service, complete courses, answer questionnaires, access resources, record learning progress and download personalised certificates.

Fireant Creative will invite customers to renew their service before the service expiry date. If the organisation chooses not to renew the service, access to the courses and training service will no longer be available. Three months after the contract expiry date has passed, if no service renewal has been agreed – we will:

  • Permanently delete the organisation, learner data and training history from the LMS.
  • Retain the organisation financial transactional details, in line with HMRC’s legal retention requirements.
  • Permanently delete learner data from the CRM system.
  • Retain the organisation data and key contact details on the CRM system.
  • Continue to keep the organisation updated about essential safeguarding and duty of care matters and products, whereby organisations will be given the opportunity to ‘opt-out’ if they wish.

An individual learner can request that Fireant Creative deletes any personal data and training history.

For marketing purposes

We may contact you for marketing purposes if you have consented to receive marketing information, if you have made an enquiry regarding Fireant Creative services, or if it has been identified that Fireant Creative services may be of legitimate interest to you. We do not use your data in a way you would find intrusive or which could cause harm, and you have the right to stop us from contacting you for marketing purposes at any time.

We use your information to:

  • to provide you with information about the products/services we offer
  • to assist you in answering any questions or queries you may have submitted
  • to send newsletters where you have asked for them

Keeping your information safe and secure

Fireant Creative Ltd is committed to keeping customers’ personal information secure to protect it from being inappropriately or accidentally accessed, used, shared or destroyed, and against it being lost.

Subject Access Requests

Under the GDPR, individuals can ask for confirmation that their data is being processed and access it. Fireant Creative reserves the right to make a reasonable charge for the information where a request is manifestly unfounded or excessive, particularly if it is repetitive. Once an individual’s identity is verified, Fireant Creative will endeavour to respond without delay, and within the one month specified by law.

Third party access

Access to your personal information is only allowed when required by law, we do not, and will never, sell or share your personal information with third parties.

Our Service Providers

This includes external third-party service providers, such as accountants, auditors, experts, lawyers and other outside professional advisors; IT systems, support and hosting service providers; printing, advertising, marketing outsourced service providers that assist us in carrying out business activities. All our systems are located within the UK or EEA

How long do we keep personal information?

We will only retain customers’ personal information for as long as it needs it to carry out a particular purpose or meet a particular obligation.

Email Newsletter

Fireant Creative operates an email newsletter programme through the website, used to inform subscribers about products and services we supply through the website. You can also manage your subscriptions if you write to us.

Email marketing campaigns sent to you by us may contain tracking facilities within the actual email.  Your activity is tracked and stored in a database for future analysis and evaluation. Such tracked activity may include; the opening of emails, forwarding of emails, the clicking of links within the email content, times, dates and frequency of activity, other activity around how you access and view the emails and tracking with the aim of improving your experience and how we present our email newsletter going forward.

This information may be used to refine future email campaigns and supply you with more relevant content based on your activity.

You will be able to unsubscribe from an email newsletter from us by clicking the applicable unsubscribe link in our email – or other instructions provided by us in the email.

Use of Website Cookies

This website uses cookies to improve your experience when visiting the website.  Cookies are small files saved to your device that track, save and store information about your interactions with and usage of the website.  This allows the website, through its server to provide you with a tailored experience within this website.

If you don’t want cookies to be stored on your device, you should make the necessary changes to your device or the relevant browsers or apps. Please note that if you disable cookies, some services or website functionality may not be available.

We use the following cookies:

  • Essential cookies. These are cookies that are required for the operation of our website. They include, for example, cookies that enable you to log into secure areas of our website, and to use online forms.
  • Analytical cookies. This website uses Google Analytics tracking software to better understand how you use it.  This software will save a cookie to your device in order to track and monitor your engagement and usage of the website, but will not store, save or collect personal information.  You can read Google’s privacy policy here for further information.
  • Marketing cookies. These are used to recognise you when you return to our website. This enables us to personalise our content for you, greet you by name and remember your preferences. These cookies also record your visit to our website, the pages you have visited and the links you have followed. We will use this information to make our website, the advertising displayed on it and communications sent more relevant to your interests.

By continuing to use this site, you are accepting our use of these cookies that make advertising and communications more relevant to you and your interests, and further help us to improve the site.

Other cookies may be stored on your device by external vendors when this website uses referral programs, sponsored links or adverts.  These cookies are used for conversion and referral tracking and typically expire after 30 days, though some may take longer. No personal information is stored, saved or collected without your consent.

Links to other websites

Our website may contain links to other websites of interest. However, you should note that we do not have any control over these other websites. Once you have used any of these links to leave our site, therefore, we cannot be responsible for the protection and privacy of any information which you provide whilst visiting these sites and such sites are not governed by this privacy statement.

Social Media Platforms

We participate with social media platforms subject to their privacy policies and terms.

You should use social media platforms wisely and communicate/engage upon them with due care and caution in regard to your own personal data.  We will not request personal data through social media platforms. If you want to discuss something of a sensitive nature, then please use a more appropriate channel such as a telephone call or email.

This website may use social sharing buttons which help share web content directly from web pages to social media platforms.  You should use these buttons with care. Note that the social media platform may track and save your request to share a web page through your social media platform account.

Shortened Links in Social Media

We share web links on social media pages. Sometimes, these links can be shortened. These shortened URLs or even the displayed URL can be hacked or otherwise changed against our wishes to divert you to another site.  We are not responsible if you are redirected to the incorrect site.

Changes to our Privacy Policy:

We keep our privacy policy under regular review and we will place any updates on this web page. This privacy policy was last updated in August 2018.

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